unique pets

5 Unique Pets That Are Easy to Own

90.5 million families in the US own a pet. Most of them are dogs and cats, the most common domesticated species, but many animal lovers don’t want one of these for a variety of reasons. They might be too much maintenance, or people may just want something different! There are [...]

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care choices

Palliative Care Choices for Pets

A pet is a member of the family like any other. Cats, dogs, and other four-legged (or winged) friends act as constant companions for years—often decades—and as such, when they come to the end of their lives, it’s nothing short of a tragedy. When pets get sick, it’s a tough [...]

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dog photoshoot

Make Lasting Memories With a Dog Photoshoot

Interest in pet photography has gone up about 30% in recent years. With so many homes across the country housing furry animals, it’s no wonder dog photography is so popular. If you’re interested in throwing a dog photoshoot for your pet, you’re likely wondering how to capture your dog’s personality [...]

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new puppy

What to Do After Getting a New Puppy

With approximately 48,255,413 dog-owning households, America is a nation of dog lovers. Buying or adopting a new puppy is an exciting experience. You’ve most likely been awaiting the arrival of your new canine companion for months (if not years!) and will be eager to welcome them into your home. However, [...]

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