When to Call the Vet: Sick Dog Symptoms to Watch For

Most of us consider our pets to be a member of our families. More and more households are choosing to own a pet rather than not. This increases the likelihood that you may one day find yourself faced with a sick pet.

You may find that your pet is acting strange and showing sick dog symptoms. It’s only normal that you would consider reaching out to the vet. But, you want to take care to call the vet at the right time.

What are the signs of illness that you need to watch for?

Here’s what you need to know about calling the vet for your sick dog.

Sudden Changes in Appetite

Any sudden changes in appetite can be a dog’s first sign of illness. If your dog is usually an eager eater and starts declining meals, or has an increased appetite and begins begging for food, this could say an underlying condition.

Also, check for any changes in the types of food your pet eats. If your pooch refuses to eat treats or new foods or only eats certain foods, this might be another sign of something being off.

Not all changes in appetite are the same. Monitoring for sudden changes can help you take preventative action and identify any problems early on.

Difficulty Breathing or Walking

If your dog experiences difficulty breathing or walking, it is imperative to seek veterinary care from a professional immediately. Labored breathing can be caused by anything from an allergic reaction to a foreign object lodged in the windpipe.

Difficulty walking can be a result of many musculoskeletal conditions, such as sprains, arthritis, or even a spinal or hip injury. Those conditions can worsen if left untreated.

Signs of Pain

When it comes to your dog’s health, it is important to be aware of any signs of pain they experience. Paying close attention to your pup’s behavior is the best way to detect any warning signs early. Since dogs aren’t able to communicate how they are feeling, it’s up to you to trust your intuition and act if you notice any changes.
Some warning signs that your dog might be in pain include:

  • audible signs such as vocalizing
  • hiding
  • reduced activity
  • weight loss
  • changes and reduced appetite

Additionally, signs of pain could manifest themselves as an unwillingness to be touched and even lashing out.

Pale Gums

If you notice that your dog has pale gums, this may be a sign of an underlying dog illness. Pale gums may also be caused by blood loss, dehydration, or anemia. If your pup’s gums appear pale or have altered color, it could be a symptom of a health issue and you should call the vet.

Behavior Changes

When a pet’s behavior changes, it’s important to watch for anything out of the ordinary. If your dog is exhibiting any strange behavior, it is best to call your veterinarian.

Behavior changes can be various physical and mental health issues, so be sure to seek help immediately if your pet is showing abnormal signs. For more info on other pet sickness in dogs, discover more here.

Check for the Sick Dog Symptoms and Treat Them Early

If your dog shows signs of illness, it’s important to call the vet immediately. Taking quick action and diagnosis of your pet’s illness can make all the difference in their quality of life.

Don’t hesitate and call your vet if your dog is exhibiting any of these sick dog symptoms. Take care of your pet today!

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