Buying a Pinetales Cat Bed

Pinetales Cat Bed And Beyond: A Guide To Bringing Home A Cat

Bringing a new feline companion into your home is one of the greatest joys in life for them, for you, and your family.

That said, it’s important to be well-prepared and well-informed before going to animal shelters or the pet store and starting your fur parenting journey. The more informed and educated you are ahead of time, the sooner you can relax and experience the fuzziness and warmth of your newest fur-covered household member.

To help you out, the following is a guide to help you better prepare for welcoming and raising your feline buddy.

A Few Reminders Before Getting A Cat

Buying a Pinetales Cat Bed

Cats are a really good fit in most households.

It’s believed that cats are among the most popular household pets, along with dogs. That said, you need to consider first whether a cat is a good fit in your house. This means talking about things with your family and ensuring that everyone is on board with you getting a cat.

Further, you’ll need to consider if you have the budget, physical space, and time to give your feline the quality of time that it deserves.
Another important point you need to consider is your family’s health. According to statistics, allergies related to cats affect about 10 – 20 percent of the population in the world and are a major public health concern.

So, if cat allergies play into your decision, here’s some bad and good news. Most people with cat allergies and still want to have them as pets often look for the so-called ‘hypoallergenic cat breeds.’ Unfortunately, there’s no such thing.

Nonetheless, several cat breeds do provoke a less allergic reaction for some. This is because of their short hair coat and not having much of an undercoat. Thus, they tend to shed less, ultimately reducing the chances of them starting off an allergic reaction on their owners.
Some of these breeds include:

  • Siberian;
  • Sphynx;
  • Bengal;
  • Balinese;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Javanese; and
  • Cornish Rex.

Although the abovementioned breeds are commonly thought to be less allergenic than most, allergic symptoms and reactions can vary based on the individual. Make sure to talk to your physician to discuss matters concerning pet ownership and if it’ll work for your specific situation.

Collect The Different Cat Care Supplies You’ll Need

Cats don’t require as much stuff as you do, but they still need plenty of items and gear, from their lounging beds to foods and toys, that can make your new pet’s life much comfier and awesome.

Here’s a list of the things you’ll need for your new cat:

  1. Comfy Bed
    Even though you know that your adorable kitty is going to be snuggling up on your bed, it’s still best to provide her own special, comfy place for napping.You need to choose a bigger bed, especially if you’re taking home a kitten. That said, you want something spacious for an adult feline to curl up comfortably but not so big that she will feel vulnerable and exposed.

    Additionally, you need to look for a bed that’s comfortable and is easily washable. It’s best if you choose a cat bed that is made of natural materials like Pinetales cat bed. Unlike regular items, these cat beds are filled with 100% organic millet hulls, which is an attractive feature for your feline buddy. They provide a comfortable, firm, and supportive bed with temperature control, to keep your feline buddy doesn’t feel too hot.

  2. Cat Carrier
    A cat carrier is a must and you shouldn’t try to take home a cat or even travel with your cat without a carrier.In general, a simple cardboard carrier is fine in bringing home a new kitten or cat home; however, you’ll need to replace this with a plastic carrier or solid-bottomed fiberglass with a secure latch and a screened opening where your cat can peek through.

    If you’re thinking of traveling with your feline in the future, you should consider investing in a heavy-duty, airline-approved pet carrier.

  3. Cat Food
    It’s best to give your new pet whatever food they’re accustomed to. So, if you can talk to the caregiver in your cat’s last home, make sure to ask about this.If you got your cat from a breeder, then they’ll strongly suggest or require you to feed them a certain kind of food. That said, you shouldn’t just feed your cat commercial cat foods. You also need to learn more about homemade foods suitable for your feline buddy.
  4. Grooming Tools
    Grooming time is a nice time for bonding with your new cat. There are several items you need for grooming, but this often includes a rubber-backed pin brush and a fine-toothed comb for brushing her fur and removing loose hair.You’re going to need a nail clipper designed specifically for cats. If you start clipping your kitten’s nails early on while they’re lounging on their Pinetales cat bed, it can make the task much easier when she’s grown. Plus, you’ll need to have a pet-friendly brand toothpaste and brush to keep your cat’s teeth clean as well as cotton balls and an ear cleanser.
  5. Water And Food Bowls
    While your cat can be fed on any stainless steel or ceramic bowls you already have in your kitchen, it’s still best to provide her with her own dishes.When choosing your cat’s food and water bowl, there are certain things you need to consider. Skip the plastic bowls since some cats can develop a chin rash from plastic. Meanwhile, softer plastics are less durable and can easily harbor bacteria. If you prefer the decorated ceramic bowls, make sure to check that it has a lead-free glaze.

    In the event that you have a budget to splurge on, you should consider automatic water and food servers. This is a nice tool if you’ll need to leave your cat for long periods during the day. Most cats will appreciate the pure, fresh taste of running water. Also, an automatic food dispenser can help prevent obesity in felines.

  6. Litter Box And Litter
    Raising a kitten is equivalent to having a litter box and a frequent supply of litter. Consider looking for a sizable litter box featuring high sides since cats tend to throw the litter around quite a bit. That said, you’ll need a box that’s low enough for kittens as well as older cats to enter easily.In terms of litter, there are various types you can choose from. Nevertheless, plant-based ones seem to be the safest. Also, avoid clumping clay litter which may contain an ingredient that harms cats if ingested. Clay litter tends to stir up dust, which is unhealthy to breathe, both for you and your feline.

    If you’re buying a litter box and litter, make sure to also buy a mat that can be placed under the box to catch the stray litter. Some litter boxes already have this built-in. Others will feature a removable mat.

  7. Scratching Post
    Every cat loves a good scratch it’s in their nature whether you approve of it or not. So, start the relationship right by investing in a good scratching post. It can be as fancy or simple as you like. Let your creative side run while and do a do-it-yourself (DIY) or make-it-yourself scratch living room post for scratching if you’re handy and know your way with tools.Take note that some commercially-made scratching posts also have a catnip scent to attract your feline buddy and do their scratchy thing on the scratching post and not on your sofa.
  8. Pet Toys
    All cats love to play. Though they can most just sleep the whole day on their favorite Pinetales cat bed, they pack a lot of energy. Hence, it’s advised that you give them a variety of toys they can play with to get rid of their excess energy as well as bond with you.
    The fishing pole or ‘dangling lure’ types are a big favorite and help ensure interactive play. Catnip mouse is a sure favorite as well. Kitty homes and climbing posts allow them to run and jump to their heart’s content.

Prepare Your Home For Your Newest Feline Friend

Guide To Bringing Home A Cat

To help your cat settle in quickly when you bring her home, there are several things that you’ll need to do ahead of time to make them feel comfortable and safe in their new home. Felines can be mischievous. Thus, cat-proofing your home should be of high priority when bringing home and adopting a cat.

To start, you need to crawl around each room and look at objects from a cat’s perspective. While you’re looking down there, look for anything that can be potentially dangerous to your feline buddy. The most common offender is electrical cords which cats like to chew on and put them at risk of electrocution. So, secure these to the baseboard.

Hide potentially poisonous substances that your pet may accidentally ingest. These include your medications as well as home cleaning products. Lock these items securely and don’t just put them in higher places. Remember, cats love to climb. Furthermore, don’t forget to check your houseplants and make sure that they’re not toxic to cats.

Lastly, lock off any entrances to areas where cats might get trapped such as the basement or the attic.

Help Your Cat Adjust To Their New Home

It’s completely normal for a cat to take time to adjust to its new environment. Consistency, patience, time, and love can go a long way in helping your new feline to feel secure and comfortable in their new home.

Take note that the periods of transition can last anywhere from a handful of days to a few months. In general, adult cats need more time to adjust than kittens. And you’ll notice signs of stress during the adjustment period such as refusing to eat, hiding, not utilizing their litter box, or destructive behavior like destroying their Pinetales cat bed.

To help your cat adjust, follow these tips:

  • Give them space.
  • Keep their environment and routine consistent.
  • Provide hiding spaces.
  • Spend time near them.
  • Feed and play with your cat.
  • If you have other pets in the residence, make sure to introduce them properly to your newest feline buddy.


Bringing home and raising a cat is an experience that is both rewarding and challenging. Whether you’re still thinking of getting a kitty or have already welcomed a feline companion into your life, there’s no doubt that you only want to be the best pet parent possible.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you to do just that so you can give your adorable feline the best start in life.