Can Dogs Eat Nuts And Raisins

Can Dogs Eat Nuts And Raisins

Can Dogs Eat Nuts And Raisins

Can Dogs Eat Nuts: Dogs can have some nuts, preferably unsalted, while others should be avoided. Nuts that are okay for dogs to eat include peanuts, almonds and cashews. As with any new foods, caution should be exercised: according to the ASPCA, the high fat content in nuts can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

Can dogs eat nuts in their shells? Although some nuts may not contain native toxins that adversely affect dogs, the shells of all nuts present the risk of tearing tissue as they move through a dog’s digestive tract. Can dogs eat nuts out of their shells then? The meat of many nuts contains high quantities of fats that can cause upset stomachs. Many store-bought, commercially-available nuts are also packaged with salt and other chemicals, which can dehydrate or even poison dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Nuts And Raisins
Can Dogs Eat Nuts And Raisins

Dog owners should not feed their pups macadamia nuts or black walnuts, as both can cause problems. Peanut butters with the artificial sweetener xylitol should also be avoided due to the chance of liver failure and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), said Dr. Martha G. Cline, DVM at the Clinical Nutrition Department at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital. And of course, any kind of chocolate-covered nuts are a no-go, since chocolate can be toxic to dogs.

What Nuts Can Dogs Eat


Although peanuts are safe for dogs to eat, they can’t be salted, coated, candied, or caramelized. Dogs can’t eat peanuts in shells, but a few bare peanuts, whether roasted or raw, make a healthy reward. However, peanuts are high in fat, so make sure to keep peanut treats to a minimum.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is good for dogs, but only if it’s not loaded with artificial preservatives, sodium, and sugar. Before you treat your pooch to a spoonful of creamy (or chunky!) deliciousness, check the label for any ingredients that might be harmful to canines. And when I say spoonful, I mean it – just a little occasional lick and not a peanut butter feast.


Dogs can eat cashews as an occasional treat, however eating too much can cause stomach pain. Make sure they are also cooked or roasted, due to raw cashews nuts contain a toxin which is eliminated through high-temperature.


Dogs can eat hazelnuts as they are not toxic to them. But, if you have a small dog, a hazelnut could pose a choking risk or could cause an intestinal obstruction.

Can Dogs Eat Pistachio Nuts

One thing to know about pistachios is that they are very high in fat. While pistachios have certain health benefits and are ultimately not toxic to dogs, their high fat content could make them pretty sick if they have them in large amounts.

According to the ASPCA, the high fat content in nuts like pistachios, pecans, and macadamia nuts can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Pistachio nuts should not be given to any animal in large quantities. At any rate, if you decide to let your dog eat pistachios, do not go overboard.

Dogs that eat pistachio nuts in large quantities will get pistachio poisoning. Pistachio poisoning brings about an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea, among other symptoms.

Can Dogs Eat Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts, although not usually an everyday food, are often found in baked goods, including cakes, cookies, muffins, and even trail mix. Are they safe for dogs? Absolutely not! In fact, macadamia nuts are often listed as among the top human foods to avoid giving your dog. The consequences of eating macadamia nuts include vomiting, ataxia, weakness, hyperthermia, and depression.

As few as several macadamia nuts, raw or roasted, can make a dog ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, vomiting, and back-end paralysis. And as for chocolate covered macadamia nuts? Even worse, so keep them out of your dog’s reach.

Can Dogs Eat Macadamia Nuts
Can Dogs Eat Macadamia Nuts

Can Dogs Eat Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts aren’t toxic to dogs; however, they’re high in fat and are difficult for your dog to digest. If your dog eats these nuts, she may have mild to severe symptoms from an upset stomach to an intestinal obstruction. Obstructions can cause serious digestive issues.

Like almonds, Brazil nuts are not toxic to dogs, but are high in fat and not easily digested. A dog that eats Brazil nuts may experience upset stomach.

Brazil nuts are among the fattiest of all nuts, and contain a particularly high amount of saturated fat compared to other nuts. Even eating a small of amount of these nuts can equal too much fat for your dog, which can cause gastrointestinal upset and/or other digestive difficulties. You may therefore want to avoid feeding Brazil nuts to your dog altogether.

Do Nuts Hurt Dogs?

While not toxic to dogs, these tree nuts are high in fat and bigger than other nuts. Because dogs can’t chew nuts as well as humans, the nuts may become a choking hazard or cause an intestinal blockage. Note that moist, old or non-commercial tree nuts can develop a type of mold which can be toxic to dogs.

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Almonds?

Are Almonds Safe For Dogs? The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat almonds, even though your dog may have eaten an almond or two in the past and felt fine. While almonds aren’t likely to be toxic, they aren’t handled well by dogs’ digestive systems and can cause obstructions.

Can Dog Eat Cashew Nuts?

Cashews: Dogs can eat cashews as an occasional treat, however eating too much can cause stomach pain. Make sure they are also cooked or roasted, due to raw cashews nuts contain a toxin which is eliminated through high-temperature. Hazelnuts: Dogs can eat hazelnuts as they are not toxic to them.

Can Dogs Eat Pecans Safely?

So even though pecans are great for people to eat, they are not good for your pet. Pecans contain a toxin called juglone, which is toxic to dogs. If a dog ate pecans in any great quantity, it would suffer gastric intestinal upset or an obstruction.

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