Buying a Purebred Puppy

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Purebred Puppy: What You Need to Know

Half of the dogs Americans buy and keep in the household are purebreds, with some 95% of shelter rescues reported as mixed-breed. By far the most famous canine breed in America, the Labrador Retriever is a top choice for buying purebred dogs, including adorable Lab puppies. That said, there’s no shortage of officially recognized breeds for all lifestyles and activity levels.

You should know that pedigree isn’t everything when it comes to adding a new member to your family. Here’s what you need to know about buying a purebred puppy.

Top five tips for buying a purebred puppy

Americans who buy purebred puppies are generally looking for adorable and active canines who are good with kids or protective enough to be watchdogs. There are plenty of reasons people purchase purebreds, whether for pedigree, shows, or personal preference.

Choose the right breed

The absolute first thing you need to do before buying a purebred puppy is to figure out which breed you want. You could choose something small, like a Chihuahua, or large, like a Rottweiler. A medium dog, like a Labrador Retriever, could also be the perfect option for you.

Many dog lovers rank the Labrador Retriever as one of the best dogs to keep in the household. The Labrador retriever is a friendly and playful dog breed that’s good with small children. This traditional breed has been the most commonly registered dog breed with the American Kennel Club for three decades.

Find reputable breeders

The imperative of finding reputable purebred breeders rests on the conscientious consumer. Sure, everyone’s website marketing looks great and projects an image of healthy and responsible dog breeding. But these advertisements sometimes cover unscrupulous dog breeders who keep their puppies in filthy and cramped conditions and care only to maximize profit.

A good dog breeder should be more than happy to give you a tour of their operation. Responsible dog breeders also recommend that buyers personally select their puppy rather than ordering the animal online to be shipped cross-country on an airplane. That experience can be dramatic for a young dog, and it won’t help you connect with your new four-legged friend.

Beware of online classified ads

Another pitfall to avoid is the online classified advertisement. Like glossy websites, the online classified ad tells nothing of the breeder’s actual conditions. Purebred puppy buyers should ensure that they receive pertinent information from the breeder, such as a listed telephone number and address. Buyers should also contact the veterinarian on the medical records to confirm a professional relationship with the breeder.

Make sure the puppy has been vaccinated

Anyone who visits a purebred dog breeder should not only examine the animal’s records but call the listed veterinarian to confirm that all vaccinations are up to date.

No matter what, you’ll still need to take the puppy to a trusted veterinarian and not strictly rely on the seller’s word or documents.

Get everything in writing

It’s terrible, but some unscrupulous dog breeders care only about maximizing profit and will sell unhealthy puppies to unsuspecting customers. Often, a disreputable seller will say many things to ensure you give them your money.

If your breeder makes any promises, you should ask for them in writing. This way, if something goes catastrophically wrong, you have some documentation to prove any guarantees. It won’t offer absolute protection, but it’s better than having nothing.

Wrap up

The buyer should always do their due diligence to ensure a healthy family pet or companion and fight unethical and illegal practices. Following these guidelines will see your new pedigree-rich puppy coming home in no time.