10 Common Dog Health Problems And How To Solve Them
Taking good care of your dog can decrease the risk of many diseases and injuries. However, there is still a chance that your pup will suffer from some health problems that commonly appear in dogs’ lives. While some diseases are typical for specific breeds, others can affect any dog. If you are worried about your dog or are unsure about anything, it is always best to discuss it with your vet. Here is a list of common health problems you might face as a dog parent and how to solve them.
Constipation Can Be A Symptom Of Other Problems
It is quite common for dogs to have trouble with constipation. Sometimes, it can be a result of a poor diet, age, or lack of exercise. However, eating non-food items such as bones or plants could also block your dog’s body. In more serious cases, it could be a symptom of an enlarged prostate, spinal injury, or tumor. Are you thinking: “What can I give my dog for constipation?” Read through the Native Pet’s guide and see how you can help your pet with their health problems. This way, you will support their health and ensure they are happy.
Arthritis Can Limit Your Dog’s Movement
There are many kinds of arthritis. However, the most common osteoarthritis often targets elderly dogs. It is also labeled as a degenerative joint disease. It causes friction between the bones, making movement very painful for your pet. Usually, you could notice that your dog does not move as much anymore and is reluctant to walk or climb up the stairs. You can help your dog mainly through a balanced and nutritious diet. You could also ease the pain through light exercise, massages, and physical rehabilitation, mainly in the form of water exercise.
Be Careful About What You Feed Your Dog To Avoid Poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning can vary and depend entirely on the form of toxin your pet has ingested. Some of the symptoms can be drooling, loss of appetite, or vomiting. However, it can also lead to other serious issues such as organ failure or death. When you suspect poisoning of your dog, it is important that you contact the Pet Poison Helpline, who will be able to give you advice on what to do. The best way to help your pet is to take them to the vet immediately. That way, they will receive professional care from the start.
Check Your Pet Regularly For Any Parasites
External parasites do not only irritate dogs. They can also be very dangerous. External parasites such as fleas, ticks, mites, or lice can transmit serious diseases such as dermatitis or anemia to your pet. They can also carry internal parasites such as tapeworms. On top of that, external parasites can trigger allergies in your pet. If you notice that the dog has parasites, you should consult your vet, who will carry out a treatment that will eliminate the issue. Regular medical exams and keeping the dog’s surroundings clean can also prevent further infection.
Ear Infection Can Be A Common Problem
Ear infections are common mainly for dogs with floppy ears and those prone to allergies. These infections can occur in the outer, inner, or middle ear and are highly uncomfortable for your pet. The illness causes pain and discomfort, and dogs can even lose their hearing in the worst cases. Symptoms such as loss of balance or hearing, constant scratching at the ears, and redness in the area can be a sign for you to take your dog to the vet. There, your pet will receive an approved treatment and will start getting better from there.
Even Dogs Can Suffer From Diabetes
Diabetes is common mainly among older dogs. Such disease means that the dog’s body is not able to process the sugar levels correctly or has an abnormal reaction to insulin. This health issue can also affect your pet’s eyesight and the overall quality of their life. Some of the symptoms that might alert you that there is an issue with your four-legged friend are a bigger thirst than usual, increased appetite, and worse vision. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease just yet. However, your vet can carry out a treatment that will help your dog to live a happy and active life.
High Temperatures And Overheating Can Cause Your Dog To Have A Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is an extremely dangerous health problem that could meet your dog. Mainly during the hot summer days, you should make sure that you do everything to avoid the issue. You should avoid leaving the dog in spaces that are not well ventilated, and the high humidity of some areas can only add to the problem. Unfortunately, heatstroke can be fatal, so it is important that in case it happens, you go to the emergency vet immediately. Before you get there, you can take steps that will help your dog to cool down and increase their chances of survival.
Obesity Can Lead To More Serious Issues
Obesity is a common problem for many dogs. Maybe you like to feed your dog scraps from the table or snacks, but in the end, it might bring more harm than good. Overweight and obese dogs are more prone to more serious medical conditions, such as heart diseases, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, or even cancer. Luckily, obesity is quite an easy problem to reverse. Your vet can put together a meal plan that you need to stick to. Feed your dog only specific food at a given time. If you also add in some walks, light to moderate exercise, and playing in the park, the issue will be solved in no time. This way, your dog will be able to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Watch Out For Any Signs Of Skin Problems
If you notice that your dog is scratching excessively, then it might be a sign of skin infection. Other signs of the issue are inflammation or dry skin. If such problems arise, you should take your pet to the vet, who will prescribe some tablets or creams that will help with the issue and make your dog feel better again. However, you should still pay attention as skin problems, and infections could be a sign of more severe diseases.