Can bearded dragons eat ladybugs

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Stink Bugs — Tips for Your Beloved Pet

Bearded dragons are semi-toxic to stink bugs. Thus feeding one to your pet dragon could result in illness or even death. Avoid letting your bearded dragon consume any wild insects. Even if they are the same as the ones you can purchase from the store. You can’t tell from where they come or what chemicals they might be carrying.

Stink bugs and other wild bugs can carry parasites. Your dragon would then pick up any parasites that the stink bug was carrying. Keeping bearded dragons in a regulated environment is essential for their health. It is because they are known to be particularly susceptible to parasites.

If you can, avoid regions where there are more stink bugs. It is because it may be difficult to keep your dragon from eating one when you’re outside with them. It might be advisable to spend as much time as possible indoors with your dragon.  If stink bugs are a major issue where you live, do this.

Take the stink bug to the vet right away. Do so if it manages to get inside your home and is eaten by your dragon. Your bearded dragon can become ill or pass away. Preventing your dragon from having the opportunity to consume a wild bug requires covering your dragon’s enclosure (more on this later).

To save a little, some will go out of their way to feed their bearded dragons wild insects and stink bugs. But doing so can wind up costing them more money than if they had bought them from a pet shop. It won’t be worth risking your dragon’s health and life to try to save money. Especially if you have to take them to the veterinarian.

What Happens if a Bearded Dragon Eats Stink Bugs

 Feeding your dragon wild insects like stink bugs could wind up costing you more money and your dragon’s life.

Take your bearded dragon to the vet right away if it eats a stink bug. To aid with digestion and help your dragon get rid of the bug, you might need to give them baths. In order to treat your bearded dragon, your veterinarian may suggest certain foods or medications.

Pay close attention to any illness-related symptoms. Such as runny or irregular faeces, weight loss, loss of appetite, changes in skin colour, lethargy, or dehydration. They may be wrinkled and have sunken eyes. Even after you’ve already visited your vet, call them again. Let them know if you experience any of these symptoms. You may not understand how harmful wild bugs can be to the health of your dragon.

By taking preventative measures, you can stop letting your dragon consume stink bugs in the future. There are techniques to lessen the likelihood that your dragon may find a wild bug and consume it. However, it is not always practical to do so.

How to Prevent a Bearded Dragon from Eating Stink Bugs

When your dragon is outside the enclosure, keep a tight eye on them at all times. Keep an eye on your dragon at all times and don’t let it wander off.

If a wild bug enters your home, cover the cage with a screen or some mesh. It helps to prevent it from flying inside.

Avoid situations, especially outdoors, where stink bugs are more common. Do so when stink bugs are seeking out warm settings in the winter. In light of this, it’s crucial to ensure that your home is sealed.

Make sure your home is completely sealed and free of any openings that wild insects could use to enter. Caulk can be used to seal cracks, window frames, etc. Maintaining a clean home and repairing screens would also help.

Spray window sills and other places inside and outside your home. Do so where you’ve spotted stink bugs with a mixture of one part water, one part dish soap, and one part lavender oil. This might prevent some stink bugs, but it probably won’t completely keep them at bay.

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If you detect any stink bugs inside the house, vacuum them. To stop the stench from escaping, simply place an odour neutralizer inside the vacuum bag and toss it out right away. If not, you risk having a smell that stays in your vacuum and house.

Another choice is an insecticide, however, using one is not advised. If your dragon happens to eat one that is carrying insecticide, as mentioned in the preceding section, it will harm your bearded dragon. If you don’t own any other animals and you intend to utilise them outside of your home, you might want to think about using insecticide.

Why are Stink Bugs Bad for Bearded Dragons?

Your dragon may grow fond of these and turn down other food

Any insect you feed your bearded dragons, including stink bugs, may end up tasting good to some of them. If they get a taste for stink bugs (and other wild insects), your dragon can start to prefer them to their other food, which is a problem. Some bearded dragons may even only consume their chosen cuisine and nothing else.

Particularly true for dragons with higher standards. Bearded dragons are obstinate animals, despite your best efforts to convince yourself that they will ultimately get hungry enough to consume anything you give them. For no other reason than the fact that you wouldn’t give your bearded dragon a wild insect that might be poisonous, it might starve to death.

Impaction could result from stink bugs

If your bearded dragon eats a stink bug, it can experience impaction. Bearded dragons frequently produce watery stools when they have stomach aches, although the converse can also occur.

Your dragon might have trouble digesting the stink bug, which would cause them to refuse food and be unable to urinate. A veterinarian can provide drugs and give you tips on how to help your dragon get rid of the stink bug.

They may be parasite carrier

The parasites that were on the stink bug that your dragon ate have been passed to stink bugs, which can also carry parasites. Numerous issues could arise, and they might do so rather fast.

Take your bearded dragon to the vet right away to be examined if you find it consuming any wild insects other than stink bugs. Waiting to observe how your dragon’s body responds is not advised because it can be too late by the time you realise it.

Due to their high susceptibility to parasites, bearded dragons. Giving your dragon stink bugs or other wild insects food will only increase their risk.

They might transport insecticide

Those insects may have carried insecticide or other harmful substances because you have no idea where they have gone. This could harm your dragon. Although they may appear to be in good health, they have been away from your house and you are unable to keep an eye on them.

For bearded dragons, they are only marginally poisonous

Stink bugs are still somewhat harmful to bearded dragons, despite the fact that some dragons may seem fine after consuming one. It’s likely that your dragon will become ill, whether or not you know about it. Your bearded dragon cannot tell you how they are feeling or allow you to peek into its digestive system.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Rolly Pollies?

You must make sure that they never contain pesticides or herbs because they are so small that your pet bearded dragons could devour them whole. The majority of these invertebrates are pesticide-free because they are raised in captivity by breeders or pet shops. Ask for documentation or avoid giving rolly pollies to your bearded dragon altogether if you want to be certain of their origin. When in doubt, go with mealworms!

Rolly Pollies can be given as a treat on occasion, but they should never take the place of plant food in your pet’s diet. Adults only need one a day, however, children need two. Everyone will be safe if you abide by these straightforward rules for where and when to feed your reptiles.

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat ?


The odd tomato actually has several fantastic health advantages for your bearded dragon:

Despite being a fruit, tomatoes have low sugar, which helps the heart health of your dragon.

Tomatoes are a fantastic source of vitamin A, which, when consumed in the right amounts, will support and maintain the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth of your bearded dragon.

Tomatoes don’t contain a lot of oxalates. Since they take in calcium and can result in MBD and other health issues, oxalates are the same as phosphorus in this regard.

Lycopene, an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red colour, is present in them. So, it makes healthy skin and a strong heart while reducing inflammation and preventing cancer.


As omnivores, bearded dragons will consume both vegetarian and meat. About 80% of their diet in the wild consists of insects and 20% consists of plants. However, the standard food for bearded dragon pets consists of roughly 50% veggies and 50% insects. As an occasional treat, some pet owners give their bearded dragons bacon.

Before giving your bearded dragon bacon, there are a few things you should think about. First off, bacon has a high-fat content and they should only eat it occasionally as a pleasure. Obesity and other health issues can result from a diet high in fat for bearded dragons. Second, excessive consumption of bacon can be harmful to bearded dragons since it is heavy in salt. It’s crucial to provide your bearded dragon with plenty of water and to only sometimes feed it a small piece of bacon.


The fruit banana is a nutrient-dense source of numerous vital vitamins and minerals. Bananas provide your dragon with a number of important advantages when consumed in moderation (a few bites, pieces, or perhaps half a banana at a time, depending on the size of your lizard):

Vitamins A and C support the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth of the dragon.

Potassium helps renal health, promotes muscle function, and reduces water retention.

Antioxidants reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Calcium, iron, and magnesium are among the minerals that fortify bones and connective tissue.

So for your small bear, a little banana goes a long way. Bananas, on the other hand, can really kill or immobilise your dragon if consumed frequently.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Stink Bugs FAQs

1.    What bugs are off-limits to bearded dragons?

Never give a glowing insect to your bearded dragon. This includes worms that can glow in the dark, such as fireflies and lightning bugs. Bearded dragons are very harmful to the chemical that gives these insects their glowing skin. Because they are harmful to bears, you should also avoid avocados.

2.    Do stink bugs poison lizards?

After consuming a stink bug, the majority of lizards will be okay, but there is a potential that your lizard can become unwell. Always err on the side of caution and take your lizard to the doctor if you have any concerns about its health.

3.    What are bearded dragons harmful to?

Wild plants that are harmful to bearded dragons are many. Here are a few that are more prevalent in the UK: poppy, holly, horse chestnut, ivy, crocus, buttercup, and bracken fern. In general, if you’re not sure that something is safe for your pet, don’t offer it to them.

4.    What is an easy way to stop feeding stink bugs to bearded dragons?

Stink bug defence might be as simple as using catnip. You can decide to cultivate some near or around your home. Additionally, you might sprinkle it on window sills and other areas of your house where pests could try to enter. Additionally, this will stop additional insects from congregating outside your house and entering.