Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars? | Know all about their feeding habits

When we talk about bearded dragons, many questions come into our minds. The very first of them is what or who are bearded dragons. What are their feeding habits, what are their natural habitat or characteristics, can bearded dragons eat caterpillars? Or can they survive in various climatic conditions? What is their appearance or where are they found different other related questions about bearded dragons can be found here. Thus, you will find all your doubts and questions cleared about bearded dragons here. Therefore, without wasting any further time, go ahead and read some fun facts about these dragons.

What are bearded dragons?

Bearded Dragons or more commonly known as Pogona, which their scientific name is, are a class of reptiles. Their genus encompasses 8 lizard species. It is because of the unique appearance that they are usually considered within this class of species. However, quite often people call them “beardies”. You will generally find them in Australia. They are usually omnivores and their life span ranges from 4 to 10 years in the wild and 10 to 15 years in captivity. Their size usually is between 18 inches to 22 inches and their weight ranges from 10 ounces to 18 ounces.

Bearded Dragons Appearance

The appearance of the bearded dragons is what makes them and their name unique. Their coating comprises a coating of shiny scales. They usually have varying colors but mostly the beardies found are light tan to brown in color. Moreover, it also includes a ‘beard’ of spikes under their chin. Surprisingly, this “spiky beard” expands or enlarges depending on their mood. The most common among these species is the central bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragons as Pets

Among various parts of the globe, bearded dragons are considered pets. Perhaps, they are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are quite popular among children and adults and just need a proper climate of their type to adapt well to that specific environment. Beardies are quite active pets, especially during the daytime. They aren’t at all lazy pets as the beardies are known to cuddle and interact quite well with their owners. However, they cause no trouble and are quite peaceful creatures. They are very easy to handle.

Bearded Dragons Price

The price or amount to handle a bearded dragon might vary from place to place. But these unique pets are available in the price range of 50$ – 500$. However, in order to set up their tank or build a proper habitat for their survival, 10$ – 1000$ is required as a necessity. Quite often you might get them in a pet store within the price range of 100$. However, you can get a healthier and well-maintained bearded dragon from a breeder in the price range of 40$ – 80$.

What do bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons generally eat live invertebrates and green plants. But one must keep the live food in a well-ventilated container. Moreover, the beardies also feed on safe greens that include watercress, dandelions, rocket, plantain leaves, cress, grated butternut squash, and clover. Some other live foods on which they feed are cricket, locusts, etc. However, one must refrain from feeding them spinach as it prevents calcium from entering their bodies. Moreover, their diet also includes animal-based proteins such as grasshoppers, wax worms, earthworms, moths, slugs, etc. Therefore, it signifies their omnivorous nature, which means they can eat both plants and animals. They can even survive on many fruits and vegetables.

Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars?

Bearded dragons can eat caterpillars but vets mostly suggest not feeding them. While some may seem quite free of risk to be fed but there are a few which could be deadly to the beardies. Especially the green caterpillars should not be fed upon. On the contrary, other kinds of caterpillars such as silkworms are considered safe to be fed on.

Can bearded dragons eat worms?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat worms and they have a variety of options when it comes to worms. Hence, among worms, there are mealworms, super worms, waxworms, butter worms, and hornworms which bearded dragons can feed upon.

Mealworms are the most common type of worms or insects that most reptiles eat. Moreover, they are quite easily available and affordable. It is in these worms that a perfect balance of fat and protein exists. Read Also:Bearded dragon eye stuck shut

Super worms are just similar to mealworms, only in bigger shapes and sizes.

Among all these worms, waxworms are usually considered the beardie’s favorite food. The main reason behind this is they are quite rich in protein and fat as compared to other worms. What we know as junk food, waxworms are a similar type for dragons.

However, if we compare in between waxworms and butter worms, butter worms are comparatively better because they are comparatively higher in proteins and lower in fats.

However, among all these worms, horn worms are the healthiest with a perfect balance of protein and fat.

Can bearded dragons eat monarch caterpillars?

Bearded dragons should not be fed monarch caterpillars. Wild insects and worms are a bit fatal to bearded dragons. Thus, monarch caterpillars are one of the most toxic of their type. Hence, one must refrain from feeding their beardies with monarch caterpillars to prevent any fatal health issues or symptoms in them.

Can bearded dragons eat tent caterpillars?

Bearded dragons can try to eat tent caterpillars for sure but there is no concrete evidence on whether or not they are harmful to your beardies. Until today, there has not been any proper research on whether or not they are fatal. However, you are most welcome to try but if your beardie shows some negative symptoms, then it’s better not to continue to feed them with those.

Can bearded dragons eat wild caterpillars?

Bearded dragons must not feed upon wild caterpillars as it might hamper their health and might be quite fatal to them. It is not only valid for wild caterpillars but also for other wild insects. A beardy owner might not want their favorite pet to get fatally sick by consuming wild insects. Hence, one must refrain their beardy pets from feeding wild caterpillars.

Can baby bearded dragons eat caterpillars?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can safely eat caterpillars. Among caterpillars, there are silkworms, earthworms, etc which are quite safe to eat. The baby beardies do not have to suffer from the fear of them growing a fatal disease in them by consuming caterpillars that are not venomous.

Can bearded dragons eat bacon?

In order to know whether bacon is considered safe to be eaten by bearded dragons, it is first important to know what bacon is. Thus, to summarize, bacon, which is extremely high in fat content, is a salt-cured pork product. Whether bacon is nutritious or not depends completely on its fat content. However, bacon has a bright side as well. It also has essential nutrients such as Vitamin B12 and protein apart from fat. Thus, quite often, people consider it as a healthy part of the diet of their beardies. However, speaking from their natural point of view, bearded dragons are omnivores and hence, can eat both plants and animals and hence, bacon. But being a good pet owner, you must restrict giving your beardie an excessive amount of bacon which will only add to their fat. Hence, in other words, it might cause obesity.

Can bearded dragons eat grapes?

Among fruits, grapes are considered the best, sweetest, and most refreshing ones. Grapes are very nutritious and it is great to feed the beardies with grapes. Only, a good pet owner might cut the grapes into small pieces. Thus, it would prevent the possibility of getting choked by the big pieces of grapes. Thus, a bearded dragon would love to eat grapes because of their sweet taste and nutritional content.

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Bearded dragons can have tomatoes in their diet but only once or twice each month. An excessive intake of tomatoes will cause diarrhoea in them because of the high acidic content of tomatoes. Thus, it might cause symptoms of dehydration in the beardies. Moreover, beta carotene is present in tomatoes which converts into Vitamin A. Thus, excessive intake of tomatoes might cause an overdose of Vitamin A, causing health problems in the beardies such as swelling, energy and weight loss, and more commonly, dehydration. Additionally, tomatoes lack calcium but calcium is extremely important for beardies as it aids them in the proper growth.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

Bananas are very safe and free of risk and bearded dragons can consume them as much as they want. In other words, the beardies love to eat bananas, whether it is peeled or unpeeled. If you worry at times whether the peel is safe or not, you can just remove the peels and slice the banana into pieces before feeding them to your little beardy. However, while feeding anything it is very important to look after your pet for any symptoms. If, by any chance, you observe a symptom and feel it to be unsafe for your pet, prevent feeding bananas to your pet.

Can bearded dragons eat spinach?

Bearded dragons must not consume spinach. This is because it is full of oxalates. Hence, we already know that oxalates are quite fatal and deadly for beardies. Thus, a risk arises whenever it comes to feeding spinach to your pet. It might actually kill your pet. Hence, you must not feed them with such things which might actually kill them. Moreover, quite often, pet owners feed their beardies with spinach. In that case, observe closely for any symptoms such as – shaking limbs or tremors, softening jaw and facial bones, weakness, fatigue, stunted growth, paralysis, or swollen rear legs. Thus, if you observe any of these problems in your pet, make sure to contact a vet as early as possible before your pet’s situation worsens even further.

Can bearded dragons eat apples?

Metaphorically speaking, the phrase, “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”, is also valid for your beardies. Hence, in other words, beardies can consume as many apples as they want as it wouldn’t be a problem. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are present in plenty in apples, both of which are essential and healthy for your pet. Both of these nutrients will aid in the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth of your pet. Some other essential healthy nutrients available in apples are – fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, iron, and a huge amount of water content. Thus, among all fruits, apples are the healthiest for your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat cucumbers?

Cucumbers have the following nutrients present in them-

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • 96% water
  • fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese

Thus, we can understand now how important and healthy cucumbers are. They are full of nutrition and it adds to the proper diet of beardies. Thus, veterinary doctors suggest feeding them cucumbers once or twice a week only and not feeding them regularly to avoid any health hazards.

Can bearded dragons eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable having the following nutrition content – Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin k1, potassium, fiber, folate, iron, manganese, and a huge amount of water content. All these nutrients are very healthy for all beardies. However, broccoli has very little content of calcium and a huge content of phosphorous. Thus, an excessive intake of this might be very disadvantageous as the calcium amount needed for proper growth will be lacking and will affect the bone structure, resulting in a few growth problems as well. Thus, you must feed your pet broccoli once or twice a month only.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs.)

1.    What is toxic to bearded dragons?

    Ans  Wild insects or animal meat, fireflies, elder bugs, and venomous insects such as

 bees, spiders, wasps, and scorpions are all toxic to bearded dragons.

2.    Can beardies eat butterflies?

    Ans  It is suggested not to feed butterflies to beardies as they might be toxic to them.

3.    Do bearded dragons need to eat every day?

    Ans  Mostly, beardies eat once or twice each day depending on their appetite.

4.    Can a bearded dragon drink milk?

    Ans  No. You should never feed milk to any reptile as they are lactose intolerant including beardies too.

5.    Can my bearded dragon eat cooked chicken?

    Ans  No. Cooked chicken is unsafe and fatal to all beardies.